Tools Key features CI Access Virus/Disease Application
AI4AVP Antiviral peptides prediction tool 12 Web All viruses Drugs and therapeutics, Vaccine development
Alvira* Multiple sequence alignment tool for a huge number of viral genomes 0.22 Web All viruses Genome annotation
AntiVIRmiR* Repository of host antiviral miRNAs 2.66 Web All viruses Host-virus interactions
AntiVPP 1.0 Antiviral peptides prediction software 9.94 Install All viruses Drugs and therapeutics
ASFVdb Database for genome as well as proteome analysis of African swine fever virus 3.86 Web African swine fever virus Genome and proteome anlaysis
ATIVS* Tools for monitoring of inlfuenza virus 1.29 Web Influenza virus Epidemiological analysis
AutoCoV Tracking tool for early spread of COVID-19 1.87 Install SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Epidemiological analysis
AVCpred Development and prediction of antiviral compounds 9 Web All viruses Drugs and therapeutics
AVPdb Repository of clinically verified antivirus peptides focusing on viruses with significant medical importance 21.80 Web All viruses Drugs and therapeutics
AVPIden Identification and functional prediction of antiviral peptides 18.16 Web All viruses Drugs and therapeutics
AVPpred Antiviral peptide prediction software 20.16 Web All viruses Drugs and therapeutics
Base-By-Base Version 3 Tool for whole genome pairwise and multiple alignment editor 4.27 Install All viruses Sequence analysis
BioAfrica HIV proteomics resource HIV proteomics database at BioAfrica 1.51 Web Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV), AIDS Proteome annotation
bNAber* Resource of widely counteracting HIV antibodies 7.5 Web Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV), AIDS Database
CADViST Visualization tool fot BLAST alignment of Dengue virus sequences 0 Install Dengue virus Sequence analysis
CAPIH* Comparable evaluation of PPIs between host-HIV 0.65 Web Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV), AIDS Host-virus interactions
CapsidMaps Platform for protein-protein interaction pattern discorvery 1.5 Web All viruses Structural analysis
CATNAP Compiling, analyzing and tally neutralizing antibody panels 16.6 Web All viruses Vaccine development
Cenote-Taker 2 Viral discovery as well as annotation software 29 Install All viruses Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
Chainchecker Tool to view and explore the Ebola virus disease transmission chains 0.78 Install Ebola virus disease, EVD Structural and fucntional analysis
CheckV Pipeline for assessing the quality and completeness of metagenome-assembled viral genomes 349.6 Install All viruses Metagenomics
CHIKVPRO* Protein sequence annotation database for chikungunya virus 0.06 Web Chikungunya virus Proteomics
ChimericSeq Tool for assessing NGS data to find and characterize chimeric sequences of viral-host 2.04 Install All viruses Host-virus interactions
ChkVDb* Chikungunya Virus Database to facilitate therapeutic analysis 7.5 Web Chikungunya virus Database
CHPVDB* Sequence annotation database for Chandipura Virus 0.18 Web Chandipura vesiculovirus Sequence annotation
CliqueSNV Reconstruction technique for viral variants 14.2 Web All viruses Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
CMV-db Public omics resource for systematic and comparable knowledge of cytomegalovirus 4.5 Install Cytomegalovirus Multi-omic data
CORDITE Know on possible drugs used for SARS-CoV-2 6.33 Web SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Control of viral diseases, Drugs and therapeutics
CoronaPep Tool for generation of anti-coronavirus peptide 2.4 Web SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Proteomics
CoronaSPAdes* Assembler for RNA viral species recovery 21 Web, Install SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Diagnosis and novel viral discovery
SANTA-SIM Simulation of evolution of viral sequence under selection and recombination 5.7 Install All viruses Control of viral diseases
SCov2-MD* Database fpr atomistic simulations of the SARS-CoV-2 proteome 8.75 Web SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Proteome analysis
SCUEAL* HIV-1 subgroups prediction tool 12.92 Web Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Subtyping
SDT For classifying viruses on the basis of pairwise sequence alignment 160.3 Web, Install All viruses Control of viral diseases, Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
Seekssv Method for detecting viral integration sites 5.17 Install All viruses Structural analysis
SeLOX* For finding lox-like regions within the sequences of genome 1.86 Web All viruses Structural analysis
SeqHepB Genomic sequence screening software for HBV 4.88 Web Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Genome screening
SeqMap* For mapping short sequences to genome 40.89 Web All viruses Database
SGN VIGS Virus-Induced Gene Silencing (VIGS) frameworks for functional genomics 12.4 Install All viruses Genetic analysis
Shapify* Algorithm provides pathways to SARS-CoV-2 frameshifting pseudoknot 4.9 Install SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Structural analysis
SIM Software for examining RNA–RNA interactions within genomes of viruses as well as in structural RNAs 1.18 Install All viruses RNA-RNA interactions
SimFLu* For forecasting the influenza A virus variation patterns 9.58 Web Influenza A virus Control of viral diseases, Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
siVirus Program for designing antiviral siRNAs 3.25 Web All viruses Transcriptomics
SQUAT Evaluating the HIV-1 PR/RT sequence accuracy 3.08 Install Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), AIDS Sequence annotation
SSE For analysis of amino acid and nucleotide sequences 20.28 Install All viruses Genome and proteome analysis
StackHCV Platform for detection of NS5B inhibitors against hepatitis C viruses 6.6 Web Hepatitis C Virus Proteomics
Stanford HIV Drug Resistance DB Includes genotypic-treatment and genotypic-phenotypes 12 Web Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV), AIDS Control of viral diseases, Drugs and therapeutics, Vaccine development
STAR* Software for HIV-1 and HBV viruses 2.86 Web Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV), AIDS, Hepatitis B virus Genotyping
Subviral RNA Database* For evaluation of viroids, RNAs, viruses and human hepatitis delta virus 1.48 Web All viruses Structural RNA analysis
TAR-VIR Platform for reconstructing strains of viruses via metagenomic datasets 2.18 Install All viruses Metagenomics
TBEV analyzer Tool for tracking and studying the evolution of the encephalitis virus 2.6 Web Enchephalitis virus Ecology and Evolution
TIPRA Tool for pandemic preparedness and the influenza risk assessment 4.66 Web, Install Influenza virus Control of viral diseases
UNIQmin Method for studying the viral sequence variations throughout taxonomic families 1.09 Web, Install All viruses Genome annotation
RaFaH Host prediction tool for viruses of bacterial and archaeal communities based upon protein content 24.57 Install All viruses Host-virus prediction
RASCL Tool for Rapid Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 Clades 0.68 Web, Install SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Phylogeny
RAT Tool for the rapid identification of recombination 7.2 Install All viruses Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
RDP5 For studying the recombination in, and eliminating indications of recombination from nucleotide sequence datasets 114 Web, Install All viruses Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
RVRD* Database to enhance virus detection in metagenomic data 0 Install All viruses Metagenomics
RVDB-prot Rescource on viral proteins together with its HMM analysis 12.1 Web, Install All viruses Proteomics
RVDB Contains all viral, virus-related, and virus-like nucleotide sequences 24.2 Web, Install All viruses Database
RotaC Retroviral group A genotyping method 29.83 Web All retroviruses Genotyping
RdRp-scan Tool for the identification and annotation of different RNA viruses within metagenomic datasets 26.22 Install All RNA viruses Metagenomics
RdRpBin Taxonomic classifier of RNA viruses for metagenomic data 1.45 Install All viruses Metagenomics
RetroTector* Identification of sequences of retroviruses within the genomes of vertebrates 3.22 Web All viruses Sequence annotation
RNN-VirSeeker Tool for identifying brief viral sequences across metagenomic data 12.77 Install All viruses Metagenomics
RNA Virus database* Dedicated for RNA viruses 1.31 Web All RNA viruses Transcriptomics
Naomi Program for calculating HIV pandemic indicators at sub-Saharan African regions 12.3 Install Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), AIDS Epidemiological analysis
NCBI Genotyping tool For genotyping the sequences of viruses 14.5 Web All viruses Genotyping
NCBI Viral Genomes Resource Includes approx. 3,700 viral genomes sequences 66.9 Web All viruses Database
NCBI-HHPID Catalogs all interactions between HIV-1 and human proteins 5.46 Web Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), AIDS Drugs and therapeutics, Vaccine development
NCBI-IVR Repository about Influenza viruses 69.39 Web Influenza viruses Database
NCBI-VVR Database about viral variations 57.97 Web All viruses Genetic variations
NeoRdRp Resource for detecting RNA polymerase of several RNA viruses based on metatranscriptomic dataset 6.84 Install All RNA viruses Transcriptomics
NipahVR* Includes multiple-targeted potential therapies as well as epitopes for the virus called Nipah 1.83 Web Nipah virus Structural analysis
OncoDB For analyzing the expression of genes and infections caused by viruses in cancer 66.17 Web, Install All viruses Gene expression analysis
OpenFluDB Isolate-focused influenza viral repository 3.72 Web Influenza viruses Database
ORION-VIRCAT* ICTV along with NCBI taxonomy mapping software 0.26 Web, Install Nipah virus Genome annotation
P-HIPSTer Framework for pathogen host interactome prediction using structure similarity 27.77 Web, Install All viruses Drugs and therapeutics
PAGER-CoV* Database regarding pathways, annotated gene-lists and gene signatures for the study on coronavirus disease 3.3 Web, Install SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Genome annotation
PandoraGAN Tool to design bioactive antiviral peptides 18.75 Install All viruses Drugs and therapeutics
Pangolin For allocating the most possible lineage to a particular SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequence 298.8 Install SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Genome annotation
Paparazzi* Perl program that uses siRNAs to reassemble the whole genome of the viruses. 5.19 Install All viruses Transcriptomics
Pathoplexus Database for sharing human viral pathogen genomic data 0 Web Few viruses Database
PASC* For classification of viruses 18.9 Web All viruses Control of viral diseases
PaVE Database of curated papillomavirus genomic sequences 36.2 Web Papillomavirus Diagnosis and structural analysis
PBRC* Database about information and analysis of Poxviridae virus 3.66 Web Poxviridae virus Database
PHACCS* Assessing the range of environmental populations of viruses 11.24 Web All viruses Epidemiological analysis
PhaGCN2 Tool for virus classification for viral genomic fragments 26.05 Install All viruses Classification
PhEVER* Provides evolutionary as well as phylogenetic data for analyzing the process of horizontal gene exchanges between viruses and between viruses and hosts. 1 Web All viruses Host-virus interactions
PHIAF* Tool for prediction of phage-host interactions 18 Install All viruses Drugs and therapeutics, Host-virus interactions
Phigaro Application for high-throughput prophage sequence annotation 30 Install All viruses Sequence annotation
PHISDetector* Tool to detect diverse in silico phage-host interaction signals 9.9 Install All viruses Drugs and therapeutics, Host-virus interactions
phiSITE Repository of bacteriophage gene regulation 9.25 Web All viruses Sequence annotation
PhyloType* To identify phylotypes of viruses 2.6 Web, Install All viruses Genotyping
PIMGAVir and Vir-MinION* Platform for thorough baseline evaluation of second and third-generation metadata 0.92 Install All viruses Host-virus interactions
PipecoV To assemble, annotate, and identify variants in the SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequences 4.12 Install SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Genome annotation
PIRSpred* For predicting HIV-1 protein-inhibitor tolerance 1.69 Web Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), AIDS Proteomics
PoSeidon For identification of recombinational events and natural selection 3.62 Install All viruses Diagnosis and novel virus discovery, Vaccine development
PrimerHunter* Software for identifying viral subtype using PCR technique 3.65 Web, Install All viruses Subtyping
PriSm* Software to choose optimum primers for replication of viruses 1.22 Web All viruses Primer design
PRTVBase* Predicted promoter database of Retro transcribing virus 0 Web, Install All viruses Sequence annotation
PuMA Papillomavirus genome annotation tool 3.2 Install Papillomavirus Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
PVDP* Tool for the identification of viruses in plants 7.14 Web, Install Plant viruses Genome annotation
pVOGs Resource for annotations of protein families and comparative genome studies 45.42 Install All viruses Protein sequence annotation
PVPred-SCM Tool used for the assessment and prediction of phage virion proteins 10.9 Web Phage (bacterial virus), virions Structural analysis
PVsiRNAPred* Tool for predicting plant’s specific virus-based siRNAs 2.27 Web, Install Plant viruses Genome annotation
CoV-GLUE For tracking SARS- CoV-2 genomic variation 40.66 Web SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Epidemiological analysis
CoV-Seq Tool for SARS-CoV-2 genome analysis and visualization 7.2 Web, Install SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Genome analysis
CoV2ID Oligo libraries for SARS-CoV-2 1.33 Web SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Genome analysis
COV2Var Function annotation database of SARS-CoV-2 genetic variation 7.7 Web SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Genome annotation
CoVaMa Script for disequilibrium analysis of mutant loci in the population of viruses by employing NGS data 3 Install SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Genome analysis
CoVDB* Library of coronavirus genes and genomics 2.7 Web SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Genomes
CoVex Tool for exploration of SARS-CoV-2 host interactions and identification of the drugs 40.52 Web SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Drugs and therapeutics
COVFlow Method for phylodynamic analysis of viruses from specified sequences of SARS-CoV-2 0.5 Install SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Control of viral diseases, Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
Covidex Tool for SARS-CoV-2 subtyping 4.1 Web, Install SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Subtyping
COVIDium COVID-19 resource compendium 3.38 Install SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Epidemiological analysis
CovidPhy SARS-CoV-2 variant phylogeographic analysis web tool 3.99 Web SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Genome analysis
CRISPR Tool for studying Virus–Host interactions 27.33 Web All viruses Virus-host interactions
Cross-attention PHV* Tool for forecasting PPIs among humans and viruses 3.69 Install SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Protein-protein interactions
DBatVir Resource of bat-linked viruses 17.58 Web, Install SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Control of viral diseases
DBCOVP Resources of coronavirus virulent glycoproteins 5.87 Web SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Vaccine development
dBGSRV Resource regarding genetic vulnerability to respiratory virus 1.45 Web Respiratory track virus Genome analysis
Deep-AVPred Classifier for peptide drugs discovery towards viral infections 16.6 Web, Install All viruses Drugs and therapeutics
DeepHost Tool for phage host prediction 14.22 Install All viruses Drugs and therapeutics
DeepIPs Architecture to find phosphorylation sites in SARS-CoV-2-infected host cells 26.59 Web, Install SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Drugs and therapeutics
DeepVirfinder Viral identification using metagenomic data 94.37 Install All viruses Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
DEN-IM Method for analyzing the DENV short-read sequencing data 0.63 Install Dengue virus Sequence annotation
DengueNet* Tool to monitor dengue fever at a global level 2.6 Web Dengue virus Epidemiological analysis
DenvinD Database of dengue virus inhibitors 4.36 Web, Install Dengue virus Epidemiological analysis
DenvInt* Database containing both dengue–human as well as dengue–mosquito protein-protein interaction networks 6.27 Web, Install Dengue virus Protein-protein interactions
DENVirDB* Website for Dengue Virus sequence data on Asian isolates 0.66 Web Dengue virus Sequence data
DGINN System for the identification of genomic advancements on the protein-coding genes 4.94 Install All viruses Genome annotation
DGV* Database of DENV sequences 3.99 Web Dengue virus Sequence data
DisCVR Tool for rapid viral diagnosis 1.84 Web All viruses Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
DPVweb Knowledge regarding the satellites, viroids, and viruses of plants, fungi as well as protozoa 5.44 Web All viruses Sequence data
Dr.VIS* Information about human disease-linked virus integration sites 1.39 Web All viruses Host-virus interactions
DrugRepV* Database of repurposed drugs and chemicals focusing mainly on epidemic and pandemic viruses 5.6 Web All viruses Database
DrVM* Tool for effective genomic assembly of well recognized eukaryotic viruses 3.03 Install All viruses Genome annotation
DVSP* Database of virus spike proteins 4.74 Web, Install All viruses Protein data
Ebola-KB* Ebola virus-centered knowledgebase 2.73 Web Ebolavirus, EVD Host-virus interactions
Ebolabase Database for Zaire ebolavirus-human protein interaction 1.46 Web, Install Ebolavirus, EVD Host-virus interactions
EbolaID* Compendium of informative genomic regions for the purpose of identifying and treating Ebola 1.21 Web, Install Ebolavirus, EVD Genome annotation
EBOLApred* Tool that predicts Ebola virus cell entrance inhibitors 4.5 Web Ebolavirus, EVD Proteomics
EBVdb* Tool for information regarding Epstein-Barr virus discovery 0.10 Web Epstein-Barr virus Epidemiological analysis
efam Resource of viral protein families 8.10 Web, Install All viruses Protein data
ENNAVIA* Prediction of antiviral and anti-coronavirus effects for therapeutic peptides 21.4 Web, Install SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Drugs and therapeutics
EpiSurf Tool for assessing amino acid changes in SARS-CoV-2 epitopes as well as other strains of viruses 3.38 Web, Install SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Strcuctural analysis
ERVmap Tool to analyze transcription of human endogenous retroviruses 30.8 Web, Install Retroviruses Sequence annotation
euHCVdb Online database about hepatitis C viruses 9.3 Web Hepatitis C virus Epidemiological analysis
EuResist Tool for predictitng response towards anti-HIV treatment 5.57 Web, Install Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), AIDS Treatment
FLAVIdb* A portal combining flaviviruses antigenic data and analytical tools 0.14 Web Flaviviruses Genome annotation
Flavitrack* Repository about sequences of flavivirus 1.66 Web Flavivirus Sequence data
FluGenome Genotyping influenza A virus as well as analyze the reassortment series 8.9 Web Influenza virus Genotyping
FluTE* Simulation model for influenza pandemic 30.5 Install Influenza virus Epidemiological analysis
FVD Resource about fish-linked viruses 1.33 Web All viruses Epidemiological and sequence data
GATU Genome annotation of viruses 14.91 Web All viruses Genome annotation
COVID-AMD Platform for animal models for coronavirus 0 Web SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Animal model data
ZWA Tool for the genomic assembly of viruses 1.23 Install All viruses Host-virus interactions
ZIKV-CDB Knowledge base to help with the study of the symptoms of the ZIKA virus conditions 3.88 Web Zikavirus Epidemiological analysis
ZikaVR For genomics, proteomics, phylogenetic and therapeutic analysis 7.51 Web Zikavirus Control of viral infections, Drugs and therapeutics, Vaccine development
ZIKAVID* Zika virus infection database 1.14 Web Zikavirus Database
ZCURVE_V Software for identifying genes in the genomes of viruses and phages 3.22 Web, Install All viruses Genome annotation
WIsH Prediction of prokaryotic hosts of phages from their genomic sequences 34.52 Install All viruses Host-virus predictions
V-pipe For analyzing the genomic diversity of viruses using high-throughput dataset 21.19 Install All viruses Control of viral diseases, Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
VADR System for validation and annotation of viral sequences in GenBank submissions 13.09 Install All viruses Genome annotation
VaPiD Detection and annotation tool for viruses 9.63 Install All viruses Sequence annotation
VaZyMolO* Method for identifying and categorizing viral protein components 2.48 Web All viruses Protein sequence annotation
VConTACT For classifying dsDNA viruses that infects bacterial and archaeal populations 35.2 Install All dsDNA viruses Control of viral diseases
VDA-RWLRLS* Anti-SARS-CoV-2 drug prioritizing frameworks 20.9 Install SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Control of viral diseases, Drugs and therapeutics
VDDB* Tool for findingantiviral drugs 2.08 Web, Install All viruses Database
vFitness* Tool to calculate HIV-1 fitness estimates 1.37 Web Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), AIDS Epidemiological analysis
Vgas* Tool for viral genome annotation 9.5 Web All viruses Genome annotation
VGDB* Tool to analyze protein and genetic sequences from entire genomes 2.69 Web All viruses Protein sequence and gene annotation
VGEA RNA viral assembly toolkit 2.07 Install All RNA viruses Genome assembly
VGO* Annotation of entire genomes of viruses, particularly in the case of huge poxviruses 5.52 Web All viruses Genome annotation
VHulk For prediction of bacteriophage (host) based upon genomic features and DNNs 9 Install All viruses Host-virus predictions
VIBRANT Method for annotation of viral genomes and metagenomic assemblies 165.99 Web, Install Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), AIDS Genome annotation
VICTOR For classification of viruses 70.11 Install All viruses Classification
ViBE Platform to detect eukaryotic viruses through metagenomic datasets 7.6 Install All viruses Metagenomics
VICUNA Algorithm for de novo assembly of extremely heterogeneous population of viruses 19.26 Web, Install All viruses Genome assembly
VIDA* Assembles ORFs from the genomes of animal viruses 8.21 Web All viruses Genome assembly
VIGA VIral Genome Annotator 2.81 Web, Install All viruses Genome annotation
viGEN Platform for the identification and analysis of viral RNA in human cancers 4 Install All viruses Sequence annotation
VIGOR Software used for predicting genes 5.05 Web All viruses Gene prediction
ViMIC Resource about human disease-associated viral mutations 6.67 Web, Install All viruses Diagnosis and novel virus discovery, Vaccine development
ViMRT Text-mining technique for automatically detecting viral mutations 3.36 Web All viruses Control of viral diseases, Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
VIP Method for finding and identifying viruses using metagenomics 14.86 Install All viruses Control of viral diseases, Diagnosis and novel virus discovery, Metagenomics
VIP DB Database for viral protein domain usage and distribution 0.08 Web, Install All viruses Protein sequence annotation
VIPERdb v3.0* Structural-derived data analysis tool for viral capsids 14.75 Web All viruses Structural analysis
Vipie Method for simultaneous analysis of viral communities using several NGS samples 4.09 Install All viruses Genome analysis
ViPR Unified library of data along with analytical tools for several viral families 59.46 Web All viruses Multi-omic analysis
VIPR HMM For identifying recombinant as well as nonrecombinant viruses combined to diagnostic microarray 0.41 Install All viruses Recombination analysis
VIPS* Tool for predicting IRESs of viruses 3.07 Web All viruses Structural RNA analysis
ViQUF Tool for viral quasi species reconstruction 2.25 Install All viruses Classification
Vir-Mir db Lists probable miRNA hairpins of viruses 6.46 Web All viruses Structural RNA analysis
Viral Host Range database Software for capturing, studying, and sharing interactions between viruses and hosts 8.25 Install All viruses Host-virus interactions
ViralFusionSeq Precisely identify virus integrational events as well as recreate fusion transcripts 7.08 Install All viruses Genome assembly, host-virus interactions
ViralORFeome Rescource that provides a diverse collection of virus ORFs and creates ORF-specific primers 3.55 Web All viruses Sequence annotation
ViralPhos* Phosphorylation site prediction software for viral proteins 1.70 Web All viruses Drugs and therapeutics
ViralZone Database offering sequence information for all known viral families 39.74 Web All viruses Database
ViraMiner Method to identify viruses in various human biospecimens 24.95 Install All viruses Control of viral diseases, Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
VirusSeeker Method for analyzing the virome composition 18.97 Web, Install All viruses Diagnosis and novel viral discovery
VirusSeq* Utilizing mismatched read-pair data to find integrational instances 14.35 Install All viruses Sequence annotation
VirusTAP* Viral genome-targeted assembly pipeline 8.49 Web All viruses Genome assembly
VirusTaxo Program for taxonomy categorization of viruses from their genomic sequences 7.03 Web, Install All viruses Classification
ViruSurf To investigate viral sequences 12.24 Web All viruses Sequence annotation
VStrains Tool for reconstruction of Viral Strains 1.2 Install All viruses Genome assembly
VPF-Class Taxonomic classification and host prediction of viral contigs 24.25 Install All viruses Classification
Vorpal Algorithm for RNA virus feature-extraction 0.42 Install All RNA viruses Transcriptomics
VMGAP Method for annotating metagenome dataset 0 - All viruses Metagenomic analysis
ViTAL Tool for lineage assignment to a new SARS-CoV-2 sequence 0 Install SARS-Cov-2, COVID, Coronavirus Classification
ViTa* Includes recognized host/virus miRNAs as well as well-known/potential host miRNA targets 6.5 Web All viruses Host-virus interactions
Visitor* For analyzing virus siRNA data by using NGS sequencing method 0.57 Install All viruses Genome analysis
VISDB Database of viral integration sites in the human genome 10.26 Web, Install All viruses Host-virus interactions
Virxicon Dictionary of all clinically obtained RNA as well as DNA viral sequences 1.75 Web All viruses Sequence annotation
VirVarSeq Tool for low-frequency virus variant detection 7.36 Web, Install All viruses Genotyping
VSeq-Toolkit Method for analyzing viral vectors used in gene therapy 2 Install All viruses Genetic analysis
VirVACPRED* Predicts the antigens from viruses 3.67 Install All viruses Structural analysis
virMine For identification of viral sequences using complicated metagenome datasets 9.35 Install All viruses Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
VIRmiRNA Database of clinically verified viral miRNAs with their target proteins 11.50 Web, Install All viruses Drugs and therapeutics, Vaccine development
ViNet Model for viral reads identification 5 Install All viruses Classification
ViroBLAST For customizable searches of numerous databases 16.06 Web, Install All viruses Sequence annotation
VirOligo* Viral-specific oligonucleotides library 2.41 Web All viruses Sequence annotation
VIROME Platform for classifying metagenomic sequences of viruses 17.56 Web All viruses Metagenomics
ViromeScan Tool for metagenomic viral community profiling 15.43 Web, Install All viruses Control of viral diseases
Viroscope* Pipeline for detection of plant viruses using high-throughput sequence information 6 Web, Install All plant viruses Genome annotation
VIRsiRNAdb Repository of siRNA/shRNA mainly focusing on 43 significant viruses of humans 4.5 Web All viruses Genome annotation
VIRsiRNApred Method for predicting viral siRNA potency 4.5 Web All viruses Genome annotation
VirSorter2 Detection method for distinct DNA as well as RNA viruses 204.2 Install All viruses Control of viral diseases, Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
VirStrain Strain identification tool for RNA viruses 4.8 Install All RNA viruses Classification
VirTect Approach for identifying viral species using RNA sequence information 4.22 Install All viruses Transcriptomics
Virtool Web application to screen for plant viruses - Install All plant viruses Screening
ViruClust* Method for comparing genetic sequences of SARS-CoV-2 over space as well as time 0.94 Web SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Genetic analysis
VIRULIGN For rapidly aligning and annotating viral genomes with the right codons 10.70 Install All viruses Genome annotation
Virus taxonomy ICTV database 170.65 Web All viruses Genotyping
Virus Variation Resource Source of information on viral sequences 56.78 Web All viruses Genomic and genetic annotation
Virus-Genotyping Tools Method for genotyping viruses, both recombinant as well as non-recombinant 11.68 Web All viruses Genotyping
Virus-Host DB Linking virus genomes with host taxonomy 44.34 Web All viruses Control of viral diseases
Virus-PLoc Algorithm for the prediction of localization of virus proteins inside the hosts as well as viral-infected cells 10.23 Web, Install All viruses Structural analysis
VIRUSBreakend Tool for identifying viral DNA presence and genomic integration 5.86 Install All viruses Genome analysis
VirusDetect Pipeline for efficient virus discovery 29.3 Web, Install All viruses Control of viral diseases, Diagnosis and novel viral discovery
VirusCircBase Database of virus circular RNAs 12.8 Web, Install All viruses Sequence data
Virosaurus Database to explore and capture virus genetic diversity 3.43 Web, Install All viruses Genetic data
VirusDIP Virus Data Integration Platform 1.09 Web All viruses Multi-omic data
Viruses.STRING Virus-host protein-protein interaction database 22.88 Web, Install All viruses Drugs and therapeutics
VirusFinder* Program that combines SVdetect and CREST to detect integration points 15.45 Install All viruses Genome annotation
VirusHunter* Pipeline for detecting new or well-known viruses from different samples 7.97 Web, Install All viruses Genotyping
viruSITE Database for viral genomics 9.75 Web All viruses Genomics analysis
VirusLab Program for analyzing the SARS-CoV-2 dataset 2.46 Web, Install SARS-CoV-2,COVID, Coronavirus Genomic analysis
virusMED Server for pathogenic epitopes, metallic binding spots, and compound-binding regions 2.46 Web, Install All viruses Proteomics
VirusMINT* Catalogs interactions between viral and human proteins 14.35 Web All viruses Host-virus protein data
VirMAP Tool for retrieving the most relevant viral information using sequencing data 9.16 Install All viruses Control of viral diseases
VirionFinder Tool for detection of complete as well as incomplete prokaryote viral protein using virome dataset 4.61 Install All viruses Sequence annotation
VIRify Method for the identification, annotation, and taxonomy categorization of viruses 15 Install All viruses Genomic and genetic annotation
Virus-CKB 2.0 Viral-associated disease-specific chemogenomics knowledgebase 7.02 Web All viruses Drugs and therapeutics, Vaccine development
Virus-Clip Tool for viral integration site detection 6.05 Web All viruses Genome annotation
VIRIDIC To compute the intergenomic resemblance of prokaryotes infecting viruses 123.92 Web, Install All viruses Control of viral diseases, Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
VirHunter Technique for identification of new RNA viruses using plant sequence information 6.58 Install All plant viruses Genome annotation
VirAnnot Database for viral diversity assessment and OTUs assignment 6.19 Web, Install All viruses Control of viral diseases
VIRAPOPS Program to simulate particular RNA virus activities 0.75 Install All viruses Genome annotation
ViRBase v3.0* Database of ncRNA-linked interactions between viruses and hosts 5.88 Web, Install All viruses Drugs and therapeutics, Vaccine development, Host-virus interactions
VirClust Platform for viral annotations, gene identification, and classification by hierarchy 20.57 Web, Install All viruses Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
ViReMa Program for identification of recombinational sites in genomes of viruses 8 Install All viruses Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
VirFinder Tool for finding sequences of viruses through assembled metagenomic data 78.74 Install All viruses Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
VirGen* Offers “sequence space” of viruses 1.39 Web All viruses Sequence data
VirHostMatcher-Net Framework for predicting virus-prokaryote interactions 25.33 Web All viruses Drugs and therapeutics
gcCov Method for global coronavirus studies 1.09 Install SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Epidemiological analysis
Geno2pheno Drug resistance prediction tool for HIV-1, HBV and HCV 15.37 Web, Install Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), AIDS, Hepatitis B, C Control of viral diseases, Drugs and therapeutics
GIB-V* Tool for analyzing the virus genomes 1.33 Web All viruses Genomic analysis
Genome Detective Identification of viruses through high- throughput sequencing data 62.6 Install All viruses Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
GiRaF Detection of reassortments in influenza virus 6.69 Install Influenza virus Genome annotation
GISAID Data-sharing platform for Influenza, Dengue, Mpox and hCoV-19 viruses 381.99 Web Influenza, Dengue, Mpox and hCoV-19 viruses Database
GLUE Software for viral sequence data 18 Web, Install All viruses Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
GRACy For analysing HCMV sequence data 2 Install Cytomegalovirus Sequence annotation
GVD Identifying age-based patterns of virome diversity in the gut of humans 131.5 Web, Install All viruses Genome annotation
MVP Microbe-phage interaction database 10.98 Web All viruses Drugs and therapeutics
MVIP Multi-omics portal of viral infection 6.4 Web, Install All viruses Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
MRPrimerV* Repository of PCR primers for the identification of RNA viruses 1.76 Web All RNA viruses Primer database
MpPoxVR Resource for monitoring variations in monkeypox viruses 7.2 Web Monkeypox viruses Epidemiological analysis
MOI* Collection of multi-omics data on viral infection 2 Web, Install All viruses Multi-omics data
MNPDenseNet Tool for decentralizing hepatitis care within African continent 7.2 Install Hepatitis viruses Control of viral diseases, Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
MMV-db Database about vaccinomics and RNA-based treatments for mammarenaviruses that causes contagious hemorrhagic fever 4.1 Web, Install Mammarenaviruses Vaccine development
MMRdb* Database about the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella viruses 1.96 Web All viruses Epidemiological analysis
Microseek System for virus detection and discovery 3.52 Install All viruses Genome annotation
MicroGMT Mutation tracking system for SARS-CoV-2 as well as for other genomic sequences of microbes 6.44 Install SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
MG-Digger Method to look for large virus-like sequences within the metagenomes 3.36 Web All viruses Metagenomics
Metavir 2 For viral metagenome comparison and assembled virome analysis 24.2 Web All viruses Genome assembly and metaegnomics
MetaviralSPAdes Assembly of viruses from metagenomic data 51.4 Install All viruses Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
Meta-iAVP For improving the prediction of antiviral peptides 21.8 Web All viruses Drugs and therapeutics, Vaccine development
JaPaFi Program for identifying the extremely conserved sequences of DNA 3.01 Web All viruses Genome annotation
JEVBase* Resource for protein annotation of JE Virus 0.21 Web Japanese enchephalitis virus Proteomics
jpHMM Analysis of recombinations in viruses 7.37 Web, Install All viruses Genetic analysis
Kodoja Method for detecting viruses in plants by employing k-mer analysis of data 3.6 Install All plant viruses Sequence annotation
LABRADOR Method for detecting viruses from high-throughput sequencing data 1.33 - All viruses Sequence annotation
LAMPA LArge Multidomain Protein Annotator tool 3.27 Install All viruses Structural analysis
LANL HCV Database Includes sequence information and immunological sites in HCV (now replaced by ViPR) 29.6 Web Hepatitis C virus Sequence data
LANL HFV Database Contains HFV sequences with annotations and a number of analysis tools 2.09 Web Hemorrhagic Fever Virus, Ebola Virus Sequence annotation
LANL HIV Database Database of information on sequences of HIV, immunological epitopes, resistance towards drugs, and vaccine trials 14 Web Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), AIDS Database
LAPIS Resource about viral sequencing 0 Install All viruses Sequence data
LearnCoilVMF* Finding coiled-coil-alike patterns inside the viral proteins 8.35 Web All viruses Structural analysis
LRIscan Tool for predicting conserved RNA-RNA interactions within the entire viral genomes 2.2 Web, Install All viruses Structural analysis
LSTM-PHV Model to predict human-virus PPIs 26.9 Web, Install All viruses Drugs and therapeutics
iAcVP Tool for identification of anti-coronavirus peptides 15.3 Web, Install Coronaviruses Proteomics
ICTVdb* Universal virus database 4.32 Web All viruses Epidemiological analysis
IDbSV Tool for monitoring the evolution as well as variations of SARS-CoV-2 2.33 Web SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Genetic analysis
iDVIP Model for identification and characterization of viral integrase inhibitory peptides 0.99 Web All viruses Drugs and therapeutics
IHNV* Database of infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus 20 Web Haematopoietic Necrosis Virus Epidemiological analysis
iLoc-Virus* For identifying the subcellular localization of virus proteins 20.98 Web All viruses Drugs and therapeutics
IMG/VR v3 Ecological and evolutionary structure for examining of the uncultivated viral genomes 98.59 Web, Install All viruses Genome annotation
IRAT Pandemic preparedness and influenza risk assessment software 6.81 Web All viruses Control of viral diseases, Vaccine development
INSaFLU Server used for WGS-based surveillance of influenza virus 12.6 Web, Install Influenza viruses Genome annotation
IPDR* Designing primers as well as probes for the diagnosis of influenza virus 0.77 Web Influenza viruses Primer design
iPHoP Strategy to enhance host prediction for metagenome-based viruses 98.4 Install All viruses Host-virus prediction
IRD Comprehensive resource for the study on the influenza virus 45.85 Web Influenza viruses Database
ISED* Database containing information on the epitope and sequence of influenza virus 1.44 Web Influenza virus Genome annotation
ISU FLUture Tool for monitoring the temporal genetic patterns of influenza A virus in swine 9.8 Web Influenza virus Control of viral diseases, Vaccine development
ITN-VIROINF Tool for comprehending interaction between viruses and hosts by combing virology with bioinformatics 0.93 Web All viruses Host-virus interactions
IVA De novo assembler for RNA virus genomes 22.3 Web, Install All RNA viruses Genome assembly
IVDB For the study on the influenza virus 4.66 Web Influenza viruses Sequence data
iVirus 2.0 Cyberinfrastructure-based software along with data to strength DNA viral ecology 5.66 Web, Install All viruses Ecology and evolution
HAPHPIPE Database about viral consensus sequences 4.09 Web, Install All viruses Sequence data
Haploflow Assembler for de novo genome assembly of viral strains 8.7 Install All viruses Genome Assembly
HAVoC Platform for ancestry assignment for genomic sequences of SARS-CoV-2 12.8 Web, Install SARS-CoV-2, COVID, Coronavirus Genome annotation
GRAViTy V2 Python program to classify viruses 0 Install All viruses Classification
HBVdb Knowledgebase for Hepatitis B virus 17.11 Web Hepatitis B virus Epidemiological analysis
HBVPathDB* Knowledge about the HBV infection-associated responses 0.35 Web Hepatitis B virus Epidemiological analysis
HBVO Database for Human Biological Viruses Ontology 0.41 Web All viruses Sequence data
HCVPro Resource on the interactions between proteins in hepatitis C virus 6.99 Web, Install Hepatitis C virus Drugs and therapeutics, Vaccine development
HDVdb Extensive database on Hepatitis D Virus 5.2 Web, Install Hepatitis D virus Epidemiological analysis
Hepitopes Database about hepatitis B virus HLA class I epitopes 3.09 Web Hepatitis B virus Structural analysis
HepSEQ Database containing an enormous amount of molecular and public health-related information about HBV infection 1.78 Web Hepatitis B virus Epidemiological analysis
HERVd Human intrinsic retroviruses database 10.4 Web All retroviruses Diagnosis and novel virus discovery
HESAS Resource to comprehend the function of HERVs present inside the genome of humans 1.22 Web Human endogenous retroviruses Genome annotation
HEVnet Library for improved hepatitis E virus molecular typing, characterization and epidemiological studies 12.69 Web Hepatitis E virus Genotyping and Epidemiological analysis
HIPdb Database of clinically verified HIV-inhibiting compounds 9.31 Web Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), AIDS Database
HIV Positive Selection Mutation DB* Database that offers a thorough selection pressure maps for the HIV protease as well as reverse transcriptase enzymes 2.12 Web Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), AIDS Protein data
HIV Systems Biology Includes AIDSVu and various other tools 0.89 Web Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), AIDS Epidemiological analysis
HIVCD Program for detecting contamination in sequences of HIV 0.94 Install Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), AIDS Genome analysis
HIVCoR Server for forecasting the utility of HIV-1 CRF01_AE coreceptor 5.19 Web Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), AIDS Proteomics
HIVSIM For comparing levels of efficacy of new HIV treatment regimens 0.28 Install Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), AIDS Epidemiological data
HIVsirDB Database about siRNAs that inhibit HIV genes 3.38 Web Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), AIDS Genetic analysis
HoloVir Studying the diversity of viruses and its role within the invertebrate holobionts 6.7 Install All viruses Ecology and Evolution
HoPhage Tool to identify hosts of phage fragments within metaviromes 7.2 Web All viruses Host-virus interactions
Host Taxon Predictor Tool for predicting taxon of the host of a newly found virus 6.75 Install All viruses Classification
HPV-Quest Software about HPV genotyping 1 Web Human Papillomavirus Genotyping
HVint Method for identifying PPIs within HSV- 3.2 Web Herpes Simplex Virus Structural analysis
HVPC Database on human virus metagenomic for diversity as well as function annotation 4.18 Web, Install All viruses Metagenomics
HVIDB Repository for human-viral protein-protein interactions 16.2 Web, Install All viruses Drugs and therapeutics
HVDB Database containing sequences of hepatitis viruses; also offers a phylogenetic evaluation tool 0 Web Hepatitis viruses Sequence data
HPVbase Comprehensive resource for microRNAs abnormal expression, methylation trends and virus integrations 2.76 Web Human Papillomavirus Sequence annotation
HPVdb Database about papillomavirus T cell antigen (human) 2.90 Web Human Papillomavirus Structural analysis
HTLV-1 Molecular Epidemiology DB For management of HTLV-1 sequence and data mining 1.57 Web Human T-lymphotropic virus Sequence annotation
VirDetect Program for calculating gene expression profiles for virus RNA Seq data 6.71 Install All viruses Gene expression
VirusPredictor Python program to detect viral sequences from human genomic data 7.5 Web, Install All viruses Sequence annotation
ViCTree Platform for Taxonomic classification from protein sequences 1.46 Web All viruses Classification
CASTOR Platform for classification of HBV, HIV and HPV 0 Web Few viruses Classification
MyCoV R package for taxonomic classification of coronaviruses 3.76 Install Coronaviruses Classification
VirHostNet 2.0 Knowledgebase devoted to the exploration of virus-host protein-protein interactions 22.51 Web All viruses Drugs and therapeutics

*Currently inaccessible